Ear Wax Removal Toronto

Ear wax causing you trouble? We specialize in safe, expert ear wax removal in Toronto. Experience clear ears and clearer hearing.
A woman getting her teeth checked by an ent doctor.

What is Ear Wax Removal?

Ear wax removal is a medical procedure for clearing unnecessary ear wax that accumulates in the ear canal. Earwax is produced naturally by glands in the ear canal. Its purpose is to help lubricate and protect the ear from foreign bodies. Sometimes excess wax accumulates and can cause various issues, such as earache, pain, pressure, dizziness, tinnitus, hearing loss and general discomfort. While ear wax is an important substance, problematic wax should be removed by a professional like a physician or your Toronto audiologist.  

Our professional ear cleaning in Toronto involves the use of safe and effective methods to remove excess wax. Our trained audiologists or medical specialists use specialized instruments, such as irrigation systems, microsuction devices, and gentle tools, to clear obstructions. This procedure is significantly safer and more thorough than at-home techniques.

Our noninvasive ear wax removal techniques will instantly relieve conditions such as tinnitus and ear fullness if a wax obstruction causes them and can significantly improve your hearing status if your hearing loss is caused by ear wax. Professional ear cleaning services in Toronto are a great way to ensure that the ears are healthy and that wax build-up does not cause complications.

Common Causes Ear Wax Build Up

Our ears naturally create cerumen, or ear wax, which serves as a protective barrier. However, too much accumulation can cause pain, tinnitus, feelings of pressure, discomfort, dizziness, and hearing problems, necessitating expert Toronto ear wax removal services. There are multiple factors that lead to this accumulation:

  • Excess cerumen production
  • Narrow or malformed canals in the ears
  • Overuse of earplugs or earphones
  • Regular use of cotton swabs might cause the wax to be pushed deeper
  • Age-related variations in the consistency of wax
  • Specific medical disorders

Many people attempt DIY ear wax cleaning in Toronto, but this can cause more issues if not taken care of by a medical professional. Toronto ear cleaning services remove excess wax safely and effectively without endangering sensitive structures of the ear. Consult a specialist if you’re experiencing symptoms of ear wax build-up to ensure safe removal or a referral if necessary. 

Symptoms of Ear Wax Impaction

If you are experiencing these symptoms, it’s best to have your ears examined by a professional. Never attempt to use Q-tips or any other objects to clean ear wax out of your ears, as you can worsen the problem by packing the ear wax further, and even cause damage to the eardrum.

Professional ear wax cleaning is completed safely with a trained audiologist at the Toronto Hearing Health Clinic. First your ears will be carefully examined to ensure it is medically necessary to have the ear wax removed. An ear wax softening agent will be used if needed to help breakdown the cerumen safely and make the removal process comfortable.

Our Methods for Ear Wax Cleaning in Toronto

A bottle of ear drops next to an ear.

Ear wax softening agents: the appointment will often, but not always start with ear wax softening drops. They combine glycerol and carbamide peroxide which help breakdown the wax making the removal easier

A close up of an eye with a needle in it

Irrigation: water is pushed into the ears using a low-pressure device to safely move out the ear wax. The low-pressure device does not have a PSI high enough to rupture the ear drum and is safe method of wax removal.

A hand holding scissors in the palm of someone 's hand.

Instrumentation: a variety tools are used to help extract wax, in conjunction with a loop, or a magnified light system to help better visualize the ear canal

A diagram of the ear and its parts

Microsuction: a small vacuum-like device used to free wax from the ear canals

Irene Nicholaou


How Your Clinician Can Help You Choose the Right Hearing Assessments

Our audiologists uphold the highest standards of service and customer care. We’ll fit, program and verify your devices and explain how to use them so that you can feel comfortable and confident with your hearing aids in Toronto. We’ll find the best solution, so nothing stands in the way of you hearing better.

  • Degree of hearing loss
  • Ear anatomy
  • Lifestyle
  • Manual dexterity
  • Design preference

Ear Cleaning-Is it necessary?

Ears are self-cleaning and typically do not need to be cleaned! Ear wax naturally migrates out of the ear canal; some wax in the canal is healthy and safe. If you are experiencing pain, discomfort or hearing loss due to a wax build-up, removal by a professional is recommended. Do not insert anything into the ear canal, including cotton-tipped buds, as this may lead to eardrum perforation or push wax that might be in the canal further in. Cleaning the outer ear is safe, and you can do this by using a soft cloth dampened with warm water. If you are experiencing some wax build-up, over-the-counter ear wax removal drops from a pharmacy or an audiology clinic can help soften the wax so that it can be expelled naturally. Still, it is advised that you see your doctor or audiologist first to make sure this is the right course of action based on the health of your ear canal. For professional ear cleaning in Toronto, book an appointment  to ensure safe and effective wax removal.

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    Contact info

    Toronto Hearing Health Clinic is located in the lower level of the Magenta Health Centre next to Phipps Bakery, inside the Momentum Building

    There is ample complimentary street parking and a Green P (location ID 047) on 125 Burnaby Blvd, behind the Starbucks and Summerhill Market. Please use the code ‘crosstown’ in the Green P Parking App for up to 2 hours of free parking

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Ear pain, tinnitus, dizziness, affected hearing, and fullness in the ear are a few indicators that may be linked to a build-up of ear wax. Speak with a medical professional if you think you have a build-up of wax.

    Avoid attempting to clean your ears at home, as this might cause more harm than good. Pre-softening the wax is helpful to ensure the procedure is comfortable and the wax can be removed more readily.

    If you know you have issues with wax build-up, an annual assessment is a good place to start. Your clinician can advise you, depending on your history of ear wax impaction and how frequently you should come in for wax removal. People who wear hearing aids or have a history of wax build-up may require more frequent exams.

    Ears are self-cleaning. Use a wet cloth to clean just the outer ear. If you notice signs of wax build-up, get professional cleaning.

    Irrigation, suction, and hand removal using specialized instruments are standard techniques.

    No, cotton swabs can cause damage to your eardrum or canal by pushing wax deeper.