Case History: your audiologist will find out important information about your lifestyle, overall health as it pertains to your hearing, regular activities and hearing concerns.

Hearing Test: your audiologist will use middle ear testing, acoustic reflex tests, air conduction, bone conduction, speech testing as well as speech in noise testing to learn what type of hearing loss you have and what treatment or referral options you would benefit from.

Cognitive Screening: Your cognition strongly relates to how well you will perform with your hearing aids. This will reveal important information about what devices will suit you best, as well as relay important information to your family doctor about your overall health. The results of the screener will be discussed at your discretion and will be relayed to your family doctor with your consent.

Counselling: Based on the results we see from the hearing test and the cognitive screener, appropriate treatment options and referrals will be made.

Hearing Aid Evaluation: If hearing aids are the best treatment option, hearing aid styles and technology will be reviewed. Depending on what’s important to you, how well you wish to function in challenging noise situations, information from intake and your budget, a technology will be recommended.

Hearing aid trial: Often the best way to understand how a hearing aid works for you in your day-to-day life is by trying it out. This is encouraged at Toronto Hearing Health Clinic so you can feel confident you made the right choice and you are happy with your hearing aids.

Hearing Aid Fitting: Once you are satisfied with your hearing aid selection, your hearing aid will be fitaccording to your comfort and hearing thresholds. Your hearing aid will also be verified to ensure it is optimized for speech understanding.

Hearing Aid Orientation: Once the hearing aid is fit to your individual hearing thresholds, you will be counselled and trained on the specifics of your hearing device, whether it be cell phone function, TV accessories, or individual hearing aid programs, you will know the nitty gritty of how your hearing aid works based on your unique fitting.

Program of Care: Follow up appointments, regular hearing tests and cognitive screens will also be part of your on-going care once a hearing aid is prescribed from Toronto Hearing Health.

Aural Rehab: Additional education and therapy options are available to help your brain better access hearing in noise, help improve auditory memory, and much more!

Your Journey to Better Hearing

How Do We Hear?

Outer Ear

Sound travels from the external environment down the ear canal to the ear drum.

A diagram of the ear with labels on it.

Middle Ear

Sounds from the outer ear vibrate the ear drum, which in turn causes the bones of the middle ear, malleus, incus and stapes, to vibrate. Stapes, also know as ‘anvil’ due to its appearance, vibrates a part of the cochlea known as the oval window, setting cochlear fluids into motion.

A diagram of the inside of an egg.

Inner Ear

Once cochlear fluids are in motion, small structures called hair cells, are responsible for turning the mechanical sound signal from the external environment into an electrical signal which transmits the information from the cochlea to the auditory nerve. There are two kinds of hair cells: outer hair cells, and inner hair cells. These cells are frequency specific, in that they are specialized to ‘hear’ or transmit certain frequencies at extremely soft volumes

A picture of the inside of an ear.


Once the signal moves up the auditory nerve, it transmits through the brain stem up to the auditory cortex in the brain, where sound is processed into something meaningful.

Types of Hearing Loss

Conductive Hearing Loss

Occurs when sound is not transmitted to the inner ear effectively. This type of hearing loss creates an ear plug effect, in that something is blocking sound from getting through the outer and middle ear, like an ear plug.

Sometimes Conductive hearing loss can be resolved with medical intervention.

Some Causes:

  • Ear wax impaction
  • Middle ear fluid
  • Ear Drum rupture
  • Otosclerosis (stiffening of the middle ear bones)

Ear Anatomy

Sensorineural Hearing Loss

Sensorineural hearing loss is progressive and permanent in nature, but progresses slowly, and remains stable for several years. The damage can be cochlear, involving the hair cells, or retrocochlear which is beyond the cochlea. This type of loss can be associated with tinnitus and a reduction of speech clarity, especially in noise. Age related hearing loss, also known as presbycusis, is a type of sensorineural hearing loss.

Some Causes:

  • Age
  • Genetics
  • Acoustic Neuroma
  • Noise exposure

Inner Ear Anatomy


Mixed hearing loss is a combination of both conductive hearing loss and sensorineural hearing loss. An example of when this might be apparent is when a patient who has a sensorineural hearing loss develops otosclerosis, meaning their sensorineural hearing loss also has middle ear involvement.


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Occurs when sound is not transmitted to the inner ear effectively. This type of hearing loss creates an ear plug effect, in that something is blocking sound from getting through the outer and middle ear, like an ear plug.

Sometimes Conductive hearing loss can be resolved with medical intervention.

Some Causes:

  • Ear wax impaction
  • Middle ear fluid
  • Ear Drum rupture
  • Otosclerosis (stiffening of the middle ear bones)

Sensorineural hearing loss is progressive and permanent in nature, but progresses slowly, and remains stable for several years. The damage can be cochlear, involving the hair cells, or retrocochlear which is beyond the cochlea. This type of loss can be associated with tinnitus and a reduction of speech clarity, especially in noise. Age related hearing loss, also known as presbycusis, is a type of sensorineural hearing loss.

Some Causes:

  • Age
  • Genetics
  • Acoustic Neuroma
  • Noise exposure

Mixed hearing loss is a combination of both conductive hearing loss and sensorineural hearing loss. An example of when this might be apparent is when a patient who has a sensorineural hearing loss develops otosclerosis, meaning their sensorineural hearing loss also has middle ear involvement.

What causes hearing loss

Ear Wax/Foreign Body

Hearing loss can be caused from ear wax impaction or if an object gets stuck in your ear. Your doctor, audiologist, or otolaryngologist can assist in safely removing what might be trapped in your ear canal.


Infections like swimmer’s ear, certain fungal infections, or middle ear infections caused from respiratory ailments or Eustachian tube dysfunction can also cause hearing loss which is often temporary. See your family doctor if you believe you have an infection which is impacting your hearing.

Inner Ear Conditions

Certain viral infections can cause permanent damage to the cochlea. Immediate action is needed to restore your hearing if you have a sudden sensorineural hearing loss. Sudden hearing loss is typically treated with steroids, either orally or with intratympanic injections. Hyperbaric chamber treatments are also an option but are currently not common. Some hearing loss can be caused from an acoustic neuroma which is a benign growth on the auditory nerve. This is associated with hearing loss and tinnitus.

Middle Ear Abnormalities

Damage to the ear drum or bones of the middle ear can cause a decrease in how sound is transmitted to the cochlea, resulting in hearing loss. Some people have chronic conditions impacting the middle ear, resulting in conductive hearing loss that is best treated with conventional hearing aids or bone-conduction hearing aids.

Hereditary Factors

Some hearing loss is genetic, and certain genes can cause sensorineural hearing loss or complete hearing loss from birth. Genetic factors also play a role in how environmental factors and ageimpact your auditory system.

Noise Exposure

Loud sounds, whether it be recreational or work-related noise exposure, can cause permanent damage to the auditory system resulting in hearing loss and tinnitus. Hearing protection is extremely important if you participate in loud recreational activities for prolonged periods of time, or if you work in industrial noise.


Hearing loss can be a common result of aging, and is often exhibited as a loss of hearing in the high frequencies. Age related hearing loss is also referred to as presbycusis. In early stages, individuals with presbycusis notice difficulties hearing in noise, communicating in groups, trouble hearing the TV or phone, and have the perception that people are mumbling, or not speaking clearly. The reason for this is that the high frequencies in speech are often connected to the consonants and provide speech with much of its clarity.

People with high frequency hearing loss often feel they can communicate well in quite rooms, but with time, this can change.

People with high frequency hearing loss often feel they can communicate well in quite rooms, but with time, this can change.

Medications: Certain medications are ototoxic, meaning they can cause damage to the structures in the inner ear. For example, certain chemotherapy drugs are ototoxic.

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Hearing loss can be caused from ear wax impaction or if an object gets stuck in your ear. Your doctor, audiologist, or otolaryngologist can assist in safely removing what might be trapped in your ear canal.

Infections like swimmer’s ear, certain fungal infections, or middle ear infections caused from respiratory ailments or Eustachian tube dysfunction can also cause hearing loss which is often temporary. See your family doctor if you believe you have an infection which is impacting your hearing.

Certain viral infections can cause permanent damage to the cochlea. Immediate action is needed to restore your hearing if you have a sudden sensorineural hearing loss. Sudden hearing loss is typically treated with steroids, either orally or with intratympanic injections. Hyperbaric chamber treatments are also an option but are currently not common. Some hearing loss can be caused from an acoustic neuroma which is a benign growth on the auditory nerve. This is associated with hearing loss and tinnitus.

Damage to the ear drum or bones of the middle ear can cause a decrease in how sound is transmitted to the cochlea, resulting in hearing loss. Some people have chronic conditions impacting the middle ear, resulting in conductive hearing loss that is best treated with conventional hearing aids or bone-conduction hearing aids.

Some hearing loss is genetic, and certain genes can cause sensorineural hearing loss or complete hearing loss from birth. Genetic factors also play a role in how environmental factors and ageimpact your auditory system.

Loud sounds, whether it be recreational or work-related noise exposure, can cause permanent damage to the auditory system resulting in hearing loss and tinnitus. Hearing protection is extremely important if you participate in loud recreational activities for prolonged periods of time, or if you work in industrial noise.

Hearing loss can be a common result of aging, and is often exhibited as a loss of hearing in the high frequencies. Age related hearing loss is also referred to as presbycusis. In early stages, individuals with presbycusis notice difficulties hearing in noise, communicating in groups, trouble hearing the TV or phone, and have the perception that people are mumbling, or not speaking clearly. The reason for this is that the high frequencies in speech are often connected to the consonants and provide speech with much of its clarity.

People with high frequency hearing loss often feel they can communicate well in quite rooms, but with time, this can change.

People with high frequency hearing loss often feel they can communicate well in quite rooms, but with time, this can change.

Medications: Certain medications are ototoxic, meaning they can cause damage to the structures in the inner ear. For example, certain chemotherapy drugs are ototoxic.

Hearing Aid Cost

A common question asked by patients is ‘’how much does a hearing aid cost?” or “what is the cheapest hearing aid?” Hearing aid pricing can range drastically depending on the technology or the chip inside. It is a common misconception that hearing aid cost is dictated by the look of the hearing aid, or the style, but this is not the case. A high-end hearing aid and low-end hearing aid can actually look the same, but how they function, especially in noise, will change depending on the chip. Higher-end hearing aids typically have better ear-to-ear communication, more acute or defined noise filtering and noise management technology, more acute directional microphone technology and overall will function better in more difficult listening situations.

Typically, prices range with higher-end hearing aids costing the most, and the cost averages to approximately a cup of coffee a day for mid level hearing aid.

Hearing Aid Technology


Quiet, one-on-one casual conversations

Small Group conversations (in quiet)

Public transportation (imagine reading a book on the subway)

Group conversations in noise (imagine a family gathering)


Meetings (think boardroom with echoes)

Outdoor activities

Shopping or Public Places

Hearing Aid Technology


Quiet, one-on-one casual conversations

Small Group conversations (in quiet)

Public transportation (imagine reading a book on the subway)

Group conversations in noise (imagine a family gathering)


Meetings (think boardroom with echoes)

Outdoor activities

Shopping or Public Places

Hearing Aid Technology


Quiet, one-on-one casual conversations

Small Group conversations (in quiet)

Public transportation (imagine reading a book on the subway)

Group conversations in noise (imagine a family gathering)


Meetings (think boardroom with echoes)

Outdoor activities

Shopping or Public Places
  • Quiet
  • Small Groups
  • Public Transportation
  • Group conversations
  • Restaurants
  • Meetings
  • Outdoor activities
  • Shopping/ Public Space
Hearing Aid Technology
Small Groups
Public Transportation
Group conversations
Outdoor activities
Shopping/ Public Space
Hearing Aid Technology
Buy NowBuy NowBuy NowBuy NowBuy NowBuy NowBuy NowBuy Now
Hearing Aid Technology Quiet, one-on-one casual conversations Small Group conversations (in quiet) Public transportation (imagine reading a book on the subway) Group conversations in noise (imagine a family gathering) Restaurants Meetings (think boardroom with echoes) Outdoor activities Shopping or Public Places

It should be noted that how someone functions with hearing aids also depends on their cognitive state. Sometimes a hearing aid might not be the most suitable treatment option for communication. Once assessed, your Toronto audiologist can help make the decision that’s best for you or your family member.

What is the Best Hearing Aid Brand?

Another popular question is which hearing aid brand is best. All major hearing aid brands dedicate a lot of monetary resources to research and development, with the goal of creating hearing aid technology that is comfortable and with a natural sound quality that is easy for your brain to listen to. How the hearing aid is fit by your audiologist, how you personally like the sound quality of the brand you are wearing, and how much technology you want out of your hearing aid, might determine which hearing aid brand is best for you.


Phonak is one of the world’s leading hearing aid manufacturers when it comes to research and development. Phonak hearing aid headquarters are located in Switzerland and they are operated by Sonova Holding. Phonak specializes in developing hearing aids for all levels of hearing loss from mild to profound impairments. Phonak also heavily researches pediatric hearing aid technology and revolutionized FM systems with their Rogers digital FM systems. Phonak was also one of the first manufacturers to allow for direct streaming from android phones with touch control to answer calls in higher end hearing aid technology. They were also one of the first to offer an invisible hearing aid solution called the Lyric and to create a truly waterproof hearing aid (that’s right, waterproof). Phonak hearing aids are also compatible with Advance Bionics Cochlear Implants furthering their hearing aid portfolio into a more inclusive space.


Unitron is a hearing aid manufacturer based out of Canada and is a sister brand to Phonak with the same holding company, Sonova Holding AG. Unitron is another hearing aid brand with flexible and universal Bluetooth and specializes in fitting hearing aids that are powerful enough to meet the needs of a profound hearing impairment. Their hearing aid aimed at profoundusers is a favourite amongst this patient base due to the option to easily fit a linear sound quality that has less distortion for that high level of amplification. Unitron was also one of the first hearing aid brands to introduce a ‘flex trial’ which allowed the end user to try a variety of hearing aid technology levels in one trial period, revolutionizing the hearing aid demo process and access to entry, mid and premium hearing aid technology in the same environmental setting by a simple push of a button.



Bernafon is a hearing aid manufacturer that began out of Bern, Switzerland. They are the sister company to Oticon and create affordable options for hearing aid users. They are the first manufacturer to create ‘channel-free processing.’ Channel-free processing works differently than other hearing aids which typically breakup the incoming sound signal into frequency bands or channels to improve speech and decrease noise. Instead of breaking down the incoming sound signal into channels the way other hearing aid manufacturers do, the signal is processed in such a way that it preserves speech sounds making them audible and clear for the end-user without breaking up the incoming signal and adding distortion. They have also recently introduced hybrid sound processing in their technology chip, which incorporates the idea of maintaining appropriate gain for even the soft notes of speech, but incorporating a second processor to manage noise more adequately. This would be advantageous in situations like restaurants, where speech noise is present and can easily convolute the speech sound the hearing aid user wants to hear.

Lesimple, Christophe (Jan 2021) 'ProcessingTM: wide dynamic range compression with improved time and frequency resolution'
Topics in Amplification (July 2009) 'ChannelFreeTM, proprietary Bernafon technology'



Signia is a hearing aid manufacturer with dual headquarters based out of Denmark and Singapore. They began as Siemens and their legacy dates back to the 1878 when Siemens created a telephone using a horseshoe magnet which improved and amplified the sound quality of the speech signal. In 1913 they created the first commercially available hearing aid, a device which currently sits in a medical museum in Germany and still works! Siemens was an early innovator when it came to rechargeable hearing aid batteries and rechargeable hearing aids. Signia lead the industry in creating sleek designs like the Styletto and instant-fit hearing aid style called the Active Pro which resembles high end ear buds. Signia merged with Widex in 2019 forming WS Audiology and the two continue to innovate hearing aid technology while maintaining their individual brand identity.



Widex is another hearing aid manufacturer based out of Denmark whose roots started in 1956. The company was the first to release a 100% digital in-the-ear hearing device in 1995, with Oticon following suit later on in the same year. Widex was known for having a distinct sound quality hearing aid user’s loved and wanted to stay loyal to. They are also pioneers in tinnitus technology and implemented an algorithm in their hearing aids to introduce passive listening using fractal tones. Fractal tones are intended to implement soothing sounds that keep the brain busy and remove focus from tinnitus. They are passive in that the algorithm creates the tones so that they are never the same melody, therefore your brain cannot become accustom to the tune, and they are not overly interesting, so your brain is not focused on them. Small, independent studies have shown improvements with the use of fractal tones in the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory in patients with chronic bothersome tinnitus. Widex is part of WS Audiology and is a sister company to Signia.



Starkey is a hearing aid manufacture headquartered in the United States. Starkey is privately owned by Bill Austin, who founded the company in 1967. Starkey hearing aids are manufactured in the US, and are known for having some of the best and most powerful custom products on the market. Starkey innovated the first hearing aid that was truly handsfree, using the microphone of the hearing aid for phone calls, while others still required the user to hold the cell phone up to speak.



Resound is a hearing aid company head-quartered out of Denmark and was founded in 1943 by  Dr. Rodney Perkins of Stanford University. Resound prides themselves on creating sound quality that is natural and easy to listen to. They also hold some industry firsts, such as creating the first receiver-in-the-ear hearing aid style, alongside Oticon, they were the first hearing aid company to introduce the use of 2.4 GHz transmission and direct audio streaming from iPhone as well from Android with certain models. They were also the first to innovate the Mic-In-Helix technology, which moved the hearing aid microphone place into the cymba concha area of the external ear. The reason for this microphone movement was to utilize the ears’ natural ability to collect high frequency information and the natural directionality the ear has, which can be distorted through microphone placement.


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Phonak is one of the world’s leading hearing aid manufacturers when it comes to research and development. Phonak hearing aid headquarters are located in Switzerland and they are operated by Sonova Holding. Phonak specializes in developing hearing aids for all levels of hearing loss from mild to profound impairments. Phonak also heavily researches pediatric hearing aid technology and revolutionized FM systems with their Rogers digital FM systems. Phonak was also one of the first manufacturers to allow for direct streaming from android phones with touch control to answer calls in higher end hearing aid technology. They were also one of the first to offer an invisible hearing aid solution called the Lyric and to create a truly waterproof hearing aid (that’s right, waterproof). Phonak hearing aids are also compatible with Advance Bionics Cochlear Implants furthering their hearing aid portfolio into a more inclusive space.

Unitron is a hearing aid manufacturer based out of Canada and is a sister brand to Phonak with the same holding company, Sonova Holding AG. Unitron is another hearing aid brand with flexible and universal Bluetooth and specializes in fitting hearing aids that are powerful enough to meet the needs of a profound hearing impairment. Their hearing aid aimed at profoundusers is a favourite amongst this patient base due to the option to easily fit a linear sound quality that has less distortion for that high level of amplification. Unitron was also one of the first hearing aid brands to introduce a ‘flex trial’ which allowed the end user to try a variety of hearing aid technology levels in one trial period, revolutionizing the hearing aid demo process and access to entry, mid and premium hearing aid technology in the same environmental setting by a simple push of a button.


Bernafon is a hearing aid manufacturer that began out of Bern, Switzerland. They are the sister company to Oticon and create affordable options for hearing aid users. They are the first manufacturer to create ‘channel-free processing.’ Channel-free processing works differently than other hearing aids which typically breakup the incoming sound signal into frequency bands or channels to improve speech and decrease noise. Instead of breaking down the incoming sound signal into channels the way other hearing aid manufacturers do, the signal is processed in such a way that it preserves speech sounds making them audible and clear for the end-user without breaking up the incoming signal and adding distortion. They have also recently introduced hybrid sound processing in their technology chip, which incorporates the idea of maintaining appropriate gain for even the soft notes of speech, but incorporating a second processor to manage noise more adequately. This would be advantageous in situations like restaurants, where speech noise is present and can easily convolute the speech sound the hearing aid user wants to hear.

Lesimple, Christophe (Jan 2021) ‘ProcessingTM: wide dynamic range compression with improved time and frequency resolution’
Topics in Amplification (July 2009) ‘ChannelFreeTM, proprietary Bernafon technology’


Signia is a hearing aid manufacturer with dual headquarters based out of Denmark and Singapore. They began as Siemens and their legacy dates back to the 1878 when Siemens created a telephone using a horseshoe magnet which improved and amplified the sound quality of the speech signal. In 1913 they created the first commercially available hearing aid, a device which currently sits in a medical museum in Germany and still works! Siemens was an early innovator when it came to rechargeable hearing aid batteries and rechargeable hearing aids. Signia lead the industry in creating sleek designs like the Styletto and instant-fit hearing aid style called the Active Pro which resembles high end ear buds. Signia merged with Widex in 2019 forming WS Audiology and the two continue to innovate hearing aid technology while maintaining their individual brand identity.


Widex is another hearing aid manufacturer based out of Denmark whose roots started in 1956. The company was the first to release a 100% digital in-the-ear hearing device in 1995, with Oticon following suit later on in the same year. Widex was known for having a distinct sound quality hearing aid user’s loved and wanted to stay loyal to. They are also pioneers in tinnitus technology and implemented an algorithm in their hearing aids to introduce passive listening using fractal tones. Fractal tones are intended to implement soothing sounds that keep the brain busy and remove focus from tinnitus. They are passive in that the algorithm creates the tones so that they are never the same melody, therefore your brain cannot become accustom to the tune, and they are not overly interesting, so your brain is not focused on them. Small, independent studies have shown improvements with the use of fractal tones in the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory in patients with chronic bothersome tinnitus. Widex is part of WS Audiology and is a sister company to Signia.


Starkey is a hearing aid manufacture headquartered in the United States. Starkey is privately owned by Bill Austin, who founded the company in 1967. Starkey hearing aids are manufactured in the US, and are known for having some of the best and most powerful custom products on the market. Starkey innovated the first hearing aid that was truly handsfree, using the microphone of the hearing aid for phone calls, while others still required the user to hold the cell phone up to speak.


Resound is a hearing aid company head-quartered out of Denmark and was founded in 1943 by  Dr. Rodney Perkins of Stanford University. Resound prides themselves on creating sound quality that is natural and easy to listen to. They also hold some industry firsts, such as creating the first receiver-in-the-ear hearing aid style, alongside Oticon, they were the first hearing aid company to introduce the use of 2.4 GHz transmission and direct audio streaming from iPhone as well from Android with certain models. They were also the first to innovate the Mic-In-Helix technology, which moved the hearing aid microphone place into the cymba concha area of the external ear. The reason for this microphone movement was to utilize the ears’ natural ability to collect high frequency information and the natural directionality the ear has, which can be distorted through microphone placement.


Hearing Aid Styles


In-the-Ear hearing aids come in a variety of styles. They can range from a larger hearing aid in the ear, which fills the entire ear, called an ITE (in-the-ear), to a small invisible hearing aid style that barely protrudes from the ear canal called an IIC (invisible-in-canal). Instant fit models exist, as well as some styles that require a custom mold to build. This involves placing a soft puddy in the ear, which hardens to obtain a replica of the shape of a person’s individual ear canal.

Three different types of hearing aids are shown.


There are many types of hearing aids on the market, but the behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aid style is currently the most popular, consistently making up at least 80% of the hearing aid market year after year. BTE’s come in large and discreet styles, ranging from larger BTE’s which have full custom molds and tubes, to small instant fit models, often called RICs (receiver-in-the-canal) or RITEs (receiver-in-the ear). The RITE style is not only discreet, but very comfortable, has more capacity for in-office repairs and often has more Bluetooth features as compared to the in-the-ear styles. 

A group of three different types of hearing aids.

Modern Hearing Aid Styles

Hearing aids are looking better than ever! Modern hearing aid styles that look nothing like the hearing aids of the past have increased patients’ acceptance of these very important medical devices. Hearing aids also have a lot of technology packed in a small space!

The Active Pro is an ear-bud style that is rechargeable and has Bluetooth capability and advanced features like a motion sensor and narrow beam directionality.

When should I protect my hearing?

Protecting your hearing is imperative, as preventing a hearing loss is far better than trying to treat one! If you work in a loud environment, an acceptable occupational noise level is 85 dB HL (think heavy city traffic) and is considered safe for a duration of 8 hours. There are two sets of rules to calculate acceptable dosage levels, the 5dB or 3 dB exchange rule. In Canada, 3dB is more commonly used, so if you are in a location that is 88dB for example, you can safely stay in that environment for 4 hours, 91dB would be 2hrs, and so on. A good rule of thumb is that if you’re yelling at someone and trying to communicate, the environment you’re in is likely too loud. Sound level meter apps can also assist in understanding the loudness of your space. The Niosh Sound Level Meter is one example, and is suggested by the Center for Disease Control.

It can even link to your Apple Health app and allow you track important noise exposure information if you feel your noise exposure levels are damaging. 

    Contact us for your first consultation!