Hear Today, Winter Tomorrow: Tips to care for your hearing aids in the cold!

Canadians are not unfamiliar to the cold and certainly not strangers to the snow. When it’s time to layer up in cozy scarves, switch from morning ice caps to steaming hot coffee and find yourself just shy of slipping on the ice while trying to catch the TTC bus, you know it’s wintertime. In the hustle bustle of life while huffing and puffing cold air, we can forget our daily essentials that help make life easy. If you’re a hearing aid wearer, spare a thought for your loyal sidekick hiding under those comfy fuzzy earmuffs. While you’re busy braving the cold, it’s important that these special devices that keep you tuned in to life’s symphony get a little extra love too. Here are a few ways to ensure they stay in peak performance mode while you navigate these frosty months ahead.

Moisture Management:

While most hearing aids are water resistant (and dustproof), be sure to dry them off if you end up getting caught in heavy snowfall. Your hearing aid likely came with a dust cloth which will work perfectly to dry off your hard-working hearing aids!.

Layering Like a Pro:

You know how you layer your clothes to stay warm? Your hearing aids appreciate a similar strategy. Keep them snug and close to your body when you venture out into the cold. Think of it as giving them a warm hug—they’ll thank you with a clear, crisp sound all day long.

Winter Chic:

Who says hearing aids can’t be fashion statements? Consider accessorizing with protective covers. These little numbers shield your aids from snow, rain, and the occasional rogue snowball. Plus, they add a touch of style to your auditory ensemble. It’s like dressing your tech in its winter best. While hearing aids have a protective layer of their own which protects them from water, if you are an avid skier or snow-shoer, you might want to invest in a little cover, or be sure to tuck your hearing aids into your hat or ear-muffs.

Heat Wave Caution:

While you’re basking in the warmth of indoor heating, remember that your hearing aids prefer a more temperate climate. Avoid leaving them on radiators or next to heaters—they’re not fans of tropical vacations. Keep them cool and collected for optimal performance.

Battery Blues:

Most hearing aids are rechargeable these days, but if you have battery operated hearing aids, you might want to be mindful of how you care for them in the winter. Batteries are heroes of the hearing aid world, and can be a bit finicky in the winter. Cold weather can drain their energy faster than you can say “frostbite.” Keep spare batteries in a warm pocket (matching your mittens is optional but encouraged) to ensure your aids stay powered up and ready to rock your world.

Tune-Up Time:

Just like your car needs an oil change, your hearing aids deserve a check-up. Schedule a pre-winter appointment with your audiologist for a thorough inspection and tune-up. They’ll make sure everything’s shipshape and ready to handle the season’s auditory adventures.

Winter may bring its fair share of challenges but with some TLC, you can ensure your hearing aids can help weather any snowstorm. If you happen to venture to Midtown Toronto, come visit us at the Toronto Hearing Health Clinic and we can help you navigate any questions you may have about your hearing aids, including help with hearing aids cleaning and hearing protection!

Written by: Mariam Naveed

Are you in the Forest Hill or Toronto area, and have questions or concerns about your hearing? Stop by Toronto Hearing Health Clinic, we would love to help!